Police in Calgary Interrogate Citizen Journalist for Filming in Public

Two officers from the Calgary Police Service District 2 in  Rosscarrock spend around 20 minutes harassing and interrogating a person simply for filming in public. The auditor spends most of the time explaining why he’s not obliged to provide ID while the officer continues to argue that they have the right to ask and that they must…

TSA Agent James Bartosik Assaults Citizen at O’hare International

TSA Agent James Bartosik Assaults Citizen at O’hare International

Mr. James Bartosik, an explosives specialist agent representing the TSA came over to harass an individual filming the TSA checkpoint at Chicago O’hare international airport. The citizen journalist might have been conducting a 1st amendment audit or maybe he was just recording the checkpoint. The video appears to go without incident until another TSA agent (unidentified) approaches…