I don’t know that Youtubers will ever be “mainstream” but when speaking within the world of 1st Amendment auditors and photography activists in the Youtubes, News Now Houston is one of the most notable auditors and his channel just hit 100,000 subscribers!
That’s legit, I’d say that’s “mainstream” in the Youtube context. Go and subscribe to his channel, we have him listed here.
Why should you subscribe to his channel? Because he has a way of talking to law enforcement that is something short of mesmerizing.
Generally speaking, he’ll verbally knock the sh*t out of any rookie law enforcement or security staff that approaches him with a shovel full of bullsh*t. The best thing about it is that he’ll do it gently and diplomatically.
Many times the law enforcement agent won’t even know that he’s just been schooled. It happens all the time, you just have to check out his channel and stay atop of his updates.
He is not one of first to do this, but he is one of the best, he’s been doing it for a while now and he is one to model after if you were looking for someone to learn from.

On Aug 28 he posted a short video to commemorate the occasion and he cited the subscribers as being the ones that made it possible to get to where he is now.
We all wish you the best moving forward as well as safety as you keep leos in check! Cheers!