New Auditor and Site Updates!

I looked at the countdown and it shows as 13 days and a few hours before the site is opened up. I’m both nervous and excited.

First an update about a new auditor I just cataloged for the first time. I am amazed at the level of work and will be processing his/their videos soon. That is Central Civilian Auditors, he’s been doing some incredible amount of work to showcase the process and correct problems along the way. A must watch if you haven’t. We hope to process about 6 of the videos related to this one where he eventually gives no other choice to the Chief of police but to admit they did it wrong.

Site News…

In regards to the site, I made a breakthrough on how to display related videos on each character’s profile page. I gotta give a shout-out to the guys over at Toolset that provided me with help to get this done.

As we make more connections from the videos to the characters involved in the video, this will reflect in that page. To start, right now we just put the title of the video and a link to the video page.

We may decide to include more information or even the video itself in an embedded player. Here’s how it works so far. Of course, the design will be finalized. I’m not sure if I’ll keep the people involved section there, yet.

But anyway, it looks like this:

So when you look at a video, the top looks like this and if you want to know more about each character, you can click on their picture to see their page.

This is what the page for each character might look like, but the best part is that the videos show up. For this to work, I just need to process each video to indicate who is involved and it automatically shows up on the character’s page.

A similar function is being built for locations. I believe this might be even more useful. It will show the different videos that have been created at a given location. In any case, this is what we got working and it’s a breakthrough for us.













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