Mexican Padilla Arrested. May 2 2018

Story Timeline:

  • Jesus aka Mexican Padilla has been arrested. We’ve begun this story May 2, 1:52pm. Will keep it updated as fast as we go.
  • Found the video where we can see him getting arrested. Added to the video section and this report.
  • The original video was posted May 2, 2018 (UTC): 17:42:50
  • Added the first cop to our character list, also in the people section on this page.
  • Added Chief of Police Salvaggio to the report and our character list.
  • 19:58 – Found Felipe Hemming’s commentary about this.
  • 21:25 – Jesus’ wife is running a livestream with some updates. (link)

Brian King, a moderator for the livestream with Mrs. Padilla requested that you support Mexican Padilla via PayPal since Youtube superchat takes a while to clear and go to the recipient.


IJ opinion:

  • Jesus should never have been arrested, as more information comes in we can make better opinions. Based on the video, he might have been abrasive but nothing he did warranted an arrest or even detention.
  • Jesus was a bit confrontational after the first officer pulls halfway into the driveway. I believe that Jesus questioning the cop got to his ego and triggered the whole thing.
  • Jesus was already pissed but was still calm when looking inside of the lobby area.  But when he went into that other area past the doors, he should have told the guy in red that the lady said it was public area and question that. I don’t think it would have made a difference, I think that they were fixing to get him in trouble from the get-go because of the first interaction but his attitude towards the guy in red is going to make this a tough case.
  • I re-watched the video. I don’t see that the officer deliberately tried to run him over, after listening to the livestream for a bit, I guess some of the charges are related to harassing an officer. I’m no attorney, but Jesus did engage the officer first (it seems).

Additional Videos:




We need volunteers to help with this and other developing stories, so if you want to help, reach out to @freespeechstuff on Twitter. We’ll be setting up other ways of communicating to address anonymity, security, and privacy. For now, that’s the best way to reach us and help.

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