James Freeman Arrested – Developing Story #FreeFreeman

Apparently James Freeman has been arrested. May 1st 2018, we'll try to keep this article with all the relevant pieces of information as we receive them.

Apparently earlier today May 2, 2018. James Freeman was arrested. It appears he was detained or arrested in contempt of court after filming in a courtroom. Please verify all notes here, this is a developing story and things may change or be updated.


New notes are added at the end of the list. Obsolete notes are marked as strikethrough.

  • Social hashtag (suggested by blacklab3l copwatch) #freefreeman. Unsure which networks are using this.
  • Sometime around 12:00 Pacific Time on May 1, Jack TxSheepDog72 Miller announced on a video on his channel that James Freeman has been arrested in Crowley Texas. On his unconfirmed report, he says that he was arrested for contempt of court.
  • We can see in the original video (included below) that James was in fact arrested for being in contempt of court. The legality of this arrest will surely be put to the test soon.
  • Jack suggests we start calling Crowley’s PD and surrounding areas to keep them in check. The phone numbers are listed in the super chat in Jack’s video.
  • I believe this happened in the same courtroom or building that News Now Patrick and Bao were auditing a few weeks ago out of a meeting recently by the same attorney playing judge.
  • If you call, please be courteous and polite. We don’t know all that has happened yet.
  • Found the original video by James. Added to the list below.
  • Found a video by maxamillionaire1, pointing out how the rules were changed recently. Added the video to the list below.
  • This was definitely the same location where News Now Patrick and Clash with Bao did some audits a couple weeks ago.
  • may 2 7:35 am pst – added video by Ethics Instead in the additional video section. MUST watch.
  • May 2 1:49 – added video by James talking about his experience after being arrested.
  • Deleted TxSheepdog72 video, video was removed from the channel.
  • Added the video of Ethics Instead talking to an officer after James was arrested.

Videos related to James Freeman’s Arrest

The videos are listed in no particular order, but generally the most important or most recent one is listed first.

What Do You Do After Being Arrested For Filming At City Hall


Crowley Court – Public Or Private Meeting – James Freeman Arrested Original Video

This video shows the entire event as it was live-streamed by James and Bao.

The video shows the moment James got called out by the attorney and told he was being held in contempt. The whole thing starts around minute 34:00.

It shows when it happens, why the person heading the court puts him in contempt and it also shows him handing the camera over to Bao.


James Freeman Arrested by Westcoast Auditors News Network


James Freeman Arrested – Video by Blacklab3l Copwatch


Court changed it’s rules to arrest James Freeman

This is a very interesting observation. Apparently the policies/rules were changed very recently and they seem to have been changed to affect photography and journalism during these proceedings.

Serving Habeas For James And Gunner

Bao and company serving documentation for James case. There’s an interesting legal perspective of the events.

About minute 35 or so things get interesting. I also notice how the cops scurry away as Bao is trying to talk to any of them. They are litterally running away like cockroaches when you turn on the light.


What Was Said After James Freeman Was Arrested?

Ethics Instead (alledgedly) had a conversation with an officer after James Freeman was arrested. This is that video and I think it’s very telling of how the system works in the favor of the officers and judges. And it’s pretty clear that the officer genuinely thinks there’s nothing wrong with how the system is setup right now. I bet you he wouldn’t feel the same way if he was the one being arrested unlawfully.

Other videos:

Related Locations

Crowley Texas Police Department (Texas St) (map & info)
Crowley Police Department (FM 1187) (map & info)

People Involved

James Freeman


Darla Peevey

tips updates and corrections?

Please drop a comment or @freespeechstuff if you want to add to this or if you have an update. Thank you!

Additional Reading


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