How Auditors can Make Money Without Youtube

This video explores one of the possibilities everybody creating content in Youtube can use to make some money. It works even if you aren't using Youtube, it really works for anybody creating content. Check it out, it's free.

So maybe Youtube has demonetized your videos, or maybe you aren’t monetizing them because you don’t want to make money from them. That’s totally up to you, but for the auditors that want to get at least a little bit of support from their fans, this may be the best thing.

The way Patreon works is like this: You sign up, it’s free, create your creator page, you can then make tiers. Think of tiers like subscription levels, you could start at $1.00, and go as high as you want.

Each tier gives your fans and supporters a way to give you some money each month. Instead of relying on GoFundMe, or big requests and pushes to get donations to buy a camera after the cops illegally seized yours, you could have your supporters help you out with a monthly contribution to your channel on Patreon.

So what’s in it for the people giving you money? You can decide what “rewards” or benefits they get from each tier that you create.

Here’s an idea that you could use to start:

  • $1.00 per month – Supporter – access to preview clips of the next audit, or behind the scenes videos.
  • $5.00 per month – Fan – Shoutout during the intro of the next audit.
  • $15.00 per month – Sponsor –  Early access to videos.
  • $30.00 per month – Team builder –  T-shirt & shout out
  • $45.00 per month – Fan Action Team – Access to weekly roundtable planning calls.
  • $90.00 per month – Auditor mentorship – Access to all previous tiers + 1 one-on-one coaching or teaching session for a new auditor.

This could be really good for you because you could count on your supporters to really help you out and try to offset some of the costs for the valuable work you’re doing. So maybe you get 3 or 4 people at $5.00 per month, and 15 at $1.00 month, maybe one great benefactor goes in to $30.00 per month.

4 x 5 = 20

15 x 1 = 15

30 x 1 = 30

Total of $65.00 per month. That’s good gas money, pocket change, lunch money, whatever money.

If you have a couple of thousand subscribers on Youtube, I think you could get to this on your first month and you’ll probably see better numbers as you continue to do great work.

I added the $90 tier to give you an idea. Many new auditors would gladly pay an experienced one to help them out with the first couple of audits… Get creative on how you reward your viewers! Anyway, I’m not going to spell it out for you, but I hope you get the idea.

The key to Patreon is to offer your supporters something unique, something that is for the “inner circle.” It can be something really simple, or you can get more elaborate and send a t-shirt, or offer to meet with them to help them with their first audit. Maybe a phone call to give them some tips or advice on what equipment to get, etcetera.

So give it a try if you want to make this a self-funded operation. Who knows, you may be able to even buy a new rig, or buy your significant other a nice dinner!

By the way, we added a section to the profiles pages where we show you what kind of equipment the auditor is using in case you want to get the same thing. It’ll take a while to get those, but we have a couple already going, like Furry Potato and News Now California. If you want to include your setup get in touch with us, we’d love to feature you on the site.

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