Española City Police Department Must Address Behavior Issues


Esparza immediately rushes her, cuffs one wrist and slams her to the ground on her back. He then rolls her over puts his 260 pounds on her back and hand cuffs her. How an investigator found no wrongdoing on Esparza’s part is shocking. The city’s own insurance company found wrongdoing and told the chief they were concerned with Esparza’s repeated behavior.    “We have reviewed the video of Officer Esparza’s self-described spinning arm-bar takedown and believe that it demonstrates excessive force,” Traveler’s Insurance Claim Professional Megan Carr wrote to city Human Resource Director Sally Baxter in a Sept. 16 email.    “We have additional concerns about the number of excessive force claims that have been brought against Officer Esparza, and the potential liability they create for the city in terms of establishing a pattern and practice,” Carr wrote.

Source: City Police Department Must Address Behavior Issues | Editorials |

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