Creating each of the elements of the site is easy. Building a whole report… tricky.

So I have Characters, Locations, Videos and possibly may be adding a fourth block. The tricky part now is putting it all together for an incident report, or a developing story.

Here’s the idea:

Each of those three is independent but can be related. Character A may be the person recording Video 1 at Location D. But Character B may also be present at the time, thus there’ll be two perspectives of the events and things can get complicated from there.

Ultimately what I’d like to do is be able to list each one of those elements into one comprehensive story that gives you a good perspective of what happened, who was involved, when it happened and where it happened.

As you go through the story, you would be able to see or click over to see more information about each one of the elements.

Single person audits, or even up to four or five shouldn’t be a problem. But when we add the four videos, one from each person, then is when we get into a sketchy territory and I’m not quite sure how I’m going to address that.

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