A “good” cop that allows bad cops to go on with impunity is worse than the bad cop.

If you’re a cop, LEO, security guard, or any other person with some sort of authority over your fellow citizens, pay attention, this is for you.

You are not going to get anywhere with people if you:

  • Talk over them
  • Pretend to listen but ignore everything being said
  • Talk down to them
  • Saying “OK” yet still doing the wrong thing
  • Approach citizens aggressively without a good reason
  • Ignore the Bill of Rights
  • Tell us you’re just following orders when you know they’re wrong

Also, know that

  • Our rights, protected by the constitution don’t stop because someone complains
  • Your duty to investigate does not invalidate our rights
  • You work for us
  • You dish out respect, you’ll get the same back
  • Your badge doesn’t give you any more rights than we have
  • We are watching you.
  • Before you mess with citizens exercising their rights, you better call your supervisor.
  • The days of cops getting away with anything are dwindling quickly.
  • You have two options, straighten up or get another job.
  • A “good” cop that allows bad cops to go on with impunity is as bad or worse than the bad cop.

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