I Didn’t Abuse Your Rights, so Pat Me on the Back Says Officer K. Lee

Opinion about Johnny Five O and his crew on this 1st amendment audit. Thoughts and ideas about his the encounter with Captain Stitcher at the Orange County Civic Center complex, where the Men's and Women's County jails are located.

The arrogance of this cop is amazing. Listen to how he wants to be commended for not yet violating Philip’s rights. “At least give me that,” says officer K.Lee. You should watch the whole video for full context.

But the attitude and what K. Lee said made me do quite a bit of chin scratching.

The interaction I’m talking about takes place around 8:57 but really starts around 7:00 What exactly did officer Lee mean when he said that? Did he mean that he should have but hasn’t? Or did he mean he could have but won’t? Or did he mean that he wanted to but the cameras prevented such crime?

I’m not psychic so I’ll never know but it does make you wonder doesn’t? I mean, he wants recognition or praise, or a simple pat on the back because he is doing a very basic part of his job, like not violate citizen’s rights?

I wonder, if he actually solved a crime or prevented a crime –arguably a more complex part of his job than simply respecting people’s rights– would he want a medal from the mayor?

See more details about this video or the people involved here: California Detention Center Deputy Acting UG-LEE 1st amendment audit

I got an ok vibe from officer Lee at the beginning, but I did feel like he was on his way to being a dick. Why must all these officers feel like giving people directives for basic shit?

Like “get off the street”? How have we gotten along for years without any of their “assistance” and directions?

K. Lee keeps talking about having an obligation to do what he’s doing, but if I understand correctly, it has been decided that the cops don’t have a duty to actually protect you. I could be wrong, or I could be expressing this incorrectly, but here’s more information about Warren v District of Columbia.

I mean if police don’t have a duty to protect you when you call them for help or you have a protective order, for example, why would they have any duty to protect you just in the course of their regular day?

Is it part of the training at the academy to be an asshole and to try to assert superiority over the citizens they’re supposed to work for? I’m not sure, what do you think? feel free to drop me a comment.

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